SKL Cares

SKL Cares Banner with hands forming a heart

SKL Cares was founded to support the community that supports us!
We understand that every act of kindness impacts a big change.
We strive to ease the burden of those in need.



Sewing for Frontline Heroes

SKL Cares Health Care worker and Firefighters wearing masks

When our friends and neighbors were putting their lives on the line, SKL leaned on our sewing skills and answered the call to help make masks.
We provided several hundred masks to local hospitals, nursing homes and police departments.



Supporting Refugees

Packing up the items for donations

We believe that style starts at home and SKL Cares is built on the belief that everyone deserves a home. We recently partnered with
Heartfelt Tidbits to assist in their cause by donating textiles and hardgoods to families starting over in the Cincinnati area.



Comforting Animals in Need

Images of pets and paws

Furry friends are often a source of inspiration for our team! The SKL Cares team is partnering with animal shelters and rescues
in the greater Cincinnati area to provide cozy textiles to comfort these animals in shelters and foster homes until they can find their forever home.